Philoptochos Possible!

April 2017
Marilynn Jemas, St. Louis, Missouri
Years ago, Audrey Hepburn stated “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible!”
That one word ignites our ability to think outside the box, to tap into hidden potential and then churn out the expectancy of great things to come.
Audrey’s comment perfectly personifies Philoptochos!  Our members possess a resolute CAN DO attitude that really defines who we are. We have built a strong reputation for solving problems. Accepting difficult challenges and accomplishing the mission of helping those in need.
What if each Philoptochos member would adopt this “I’m possible” strategy? Can we shift our gears up several notches to capture “I’m Possible” thinking? What more could Philoptochos achieve if we rev up our engines way past the familiar and move on into to the realm of “anything is possible”?
Every National Philoptochos Biennial Convention highlights the many challenges that Philoptochos tackles and achieves. The 2016 Biennial Convention in Nashville was a great example of the spirit of Philoptochos.  Each daily session and agenda radiated the good works of our beloved organization!
As convention delegates celebrated our 85th anniversary, they were presented with a tremendous array of societal problems and how different chapters had addressed working with these issues. Delegates were filled with pride for these kinds of inspiring tales and eager to return to their own chapters to tackle new initiatives of their own. All were transformed by the information received. A crescendo of cheering was so loud that those outside the meeting room could not help but note the exuberance!
In our own chapters, each of us can be a cheerleader for Philoptochos, spreading our positive message with pride. We can build upon the legacy of all the hardworking, determined members before us, knowing that it is now our turn to leapfrog Philoptochos into a full future, never fearing to explore new possibilities or challenges.
Now in our 86th year, let’s continue to be confident that more positive achievements are possible. Dare to expect that more interest and enthusiasm is possible, that increased membership is possible and that greater service to those is need is possible. Remember, “I’m Possible!”