An Introduction to Social Media

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.

-Rollo May
As you read the title of this post, you may be thinking, “I’m on Facebook, I already know about social media.” If you are already on Facebook, that is wonderful and you probably see the community that exists within. If you are not on Facebook, I encourage you to make a profile and see it for yourself. The great thing about it is you choose your level of involvement, some people post about their every move while others have a profile just to keep up with the latest happenings of their friends and the organizations they support. I encourage you, if you are on Facebook or if you are new to it, to “Like” the Philoptochos page on Facebook and encourage your friends, family, neighbors, and other organizations to “Like” us. The Philoptochos Facebook page is our community page and it is a way for us all to engage in conversation, to be a family and to share ideas.

This post is about taking social media further and making it work for your Philoptochos Chapter.

I encourage your Chapter to create their own Philoptochos Chapter page where you can post information about meetings and events or reach out to garner support or volunteers. It is a way for the members of your Chapter to always feel connected. Introducing social media will engage existing members and attract new members. Since social media is a form of two-way communication, it encourages conversation.

You may have heard the term, viral reach. Facebook pages of friends are interconnected. If your friend posts something, you will see the post on your own news feed as will their other friends. If you like the post, comment on the post, or share the post, it will appear on your wall and now not only do their Facebook friends see the post but now your Facebook friends also see the post. If others share that same post on their page, it causes a wider and wider reach. Basically, your audience has its own audience.  Viral reach is the number of unique people who see a post.

This is the reason it is so important for you as an individual to not only “Like” the Philoptochos page but also to like, share, and comment on posts, you will be helping the Philoptochos message and mission reach more people ~ much like a kindness begetting kindness ~ likes beget likes.

For your Philoptochos Chapter, which may have little or no budget for marketing an event, program, or recruitment, social media is really the way to go as there is a low barrier to entry. Facebook is free to use and does not require any special skills other than the ability to use a computer, that’s it!

To create your Philoptochos Chapter page, go to and follow the step by step instructions offered. You will need to have a name ready which can be, as examples, your Philoptochos Chapter:
  • St. Sophia Philoptochos
  • St. Sophia Philoptochos Chapter
  • St. Sophia Philoptochos – Melbourne, FL
Or your Parish:
  • Philoptochos Society of St. Dionysios Greek Orthodox Church
  • St. Dionysios Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos
You can use the Philoptochos logo as your profile picture or another picture that reflects your Chapter. The Philoptochos logo can be found here: If you are unable to retrieve it from this page, please contact me at and I will send it to you.

Once you have set up your page, then it is time to invite friends from your own Facebook network. Encourage all your Philoptochos sisters to “Like” your page and encourage them to also invite their friends. This will create a community where you can post information about upcoming meetings, pose questions about upcoming events, and spread the word about Philoptochos in your community.

Social media is not a fad, it is here to stay. Now is the time to embrace it, invite others to join and engage the women in your Chapter and in your greater community to participate.
I’m here for any questions you have along the way, don’t hesitate to contact me:

More tips to come in the coming weeks, check back every Thursday for the newest Philanthropy by Philoptochos post and share, share, share!!

-Vivian Siempos

If you haven't already, click on the link to "Like" Philoptochos on Facebook: